Upper/ Lower Extremity Supports

Upper/ Lower Extremity Supports

SCOOT offers JAY range of upper and lower extremity positioning devices in different designs and sizes. JAY lower body positioning includes foot boxes and shoe holders, which are designed to support the feet, ankles, and even calves. When your feet are positioned properly, it can help reduce pressure on other areas of the body, including under the pelvis. JAY shoe holders and knee adductors are other products that offer complete positioning of the feet and legs.

JAY upper extremity positioners such as arm troughs, wrist bands, gel-based arm pads all improve the upper body posture, help hold the head upright, improve function in the arms and hands, and assist with breathing. It is common for people with higher level of postural needs to opt for upper extremity support.

SCOOT also makes bespoke solutions for extremity supports.

Regain Your Independence with SCOOT Mobility Solution!
